Facilities and Equipment

We have all facilities, which a full-fledge modern medical center has to have. Our medical center is equipped with modern sophisticated laboratory equipment’s including Bio chemistry automated machine, Cell counter machine 5 part, Elisa micro plate washers, Elisa micro plate reader, Microscope, Lab roller mixer, Hot air oven, Centrifuge machine, Laboratory rotator, Tips micropipette, ESR stand, Blood chemistry Analyzer, Incubator, water Distillation plant, Autoclave and sterilizer machine, Refrigerator, E C G ( 3 Channel & Echo Cardiograph), Ultrasonography, X-Ray machine 500 M A, D R machine, D R reader, D R printer etc. we can carry out tests like: Hematology, Biochemistry, Serology, Microbiology, Culture, X-Ray, and ECG etc. in our laboratory. We also carry out tests for HIV and Tuberculosis. We had the opportunity to perform the following tests to the migrate workers who went to different countries like Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Qatar, Japan, Jordan ,Libya, Oman, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and many other.

Physical Examination

The migrant workers undergo physical examination including general examination to evaluate height, weight, deformity, visual acuity hearing and state of mental fitness & in addition to all general and systematic examinations of cardiovascular, respiratory, alimentary, uro-genital and nervous systems.

Evaluation, Strength and Location

Faith Medical Centre located at Holding No-78, Shajbarkhila, Sherpur Sadar, Sherpur-2100, Bangladesh. It has a built up area of 4500 sq.ft. Experienced pathologists, radiologists, doctors, laboratory tech-nicians, radiographers and other professional staff, carry out health check-up in this Centre.